===================================================================================== :: BEFORE GETTING STARTED A PWA READY TEMPLATE YOU NEED TO KNOW VERY SIMPLE THING! :: ===================================================================================== PWA (Progressive Web App) mainly works with the "service-worker.js" file. This file cache data in your browser for smoothly viewing this website when you're offline. :: What is the problem with that? - When you edited the files & script and save it, your changes won't take effect until clear your browser cache. :: How to solve this problem? - Please disconnect from "service-worker.js" when you developing your site. Search for "service-worker.js" and comment on all JS codes or remove this file another location. https://prnt.sc/tuwnua https://prnt.sc/tuwo66 After completing the site developing, when you ready to go upload server. Now connect this file with your project. ====================== :: PWA Requirements :: ====================== The web site to be served from a secure (HTTPS) domain